Lords Of Pain Radio

The Doc Says...#ALLIN and Its Meaning, Strowman-Shield Controversy, WWE Top 10



This week, The Doc is #ALLIN, which is to say that he is in a reflective mood following the success of arguably the biggest independent wrestling experiment in professional wrestling history; it was a big deal, and it deserves our attention.  Also on Doc's mind is the character dichotomy developing between Braun Strowman and The Shield; is this a clear cut case of WWE making everything about Roman Reigns or is this a better example of WWE putting its trust in the modern era and giving it the chance to figure things out at the main-event level after a part-timer dominated 18 months?  Finally, Doc ends his annual tradition of naming the Top 10 WWE stars of the Summerslam-to-Summerslam cycle using his WrestleMania Era-inspired formula.  Who made the cut?  Who topped the list?