Franchise Interviews

Franchise Interviews Spends An Evening with The Franchise King Joel Libava



We have a great show this evening.  We are meeting with the Franchise King Joel Libava.  Joel Libava has been tagged "The Franchise King" for a good reason. Joel is an author and a brutally honest entrepreneur focused on making sure that prospective franchise owners don't lose their money. In Part One, we discuss "The Essential Steps to Researching a Franchise Opportunity". Joel asks and answers the following questions to our listeners: Do you know how to conduct your introductory phone call with the franchise companies? Do you know what questions to ask the franchise company? Do you know what the franchise companies can and cannot tell you? Do you know how to get invited to a Discovery Day? Do you know the Number #1 question that you must ask the franchisor? In Part Two, Joel discusses his book Become a Franchise Owner! The book is full of great information.  For example, Joel describes how to choose the right franchise for your specific situation.  He also lists the 40 crucial questions to a