Giselle Koy Podcast

Giselle Koy and Team Light: Who Are These Guys?



Join Giselle for a personal interview with these two Galactic Activators who travel the world, make videos, and Have Fun!  How did they get this job and what is a Galactic Activator anyway? Find out how you can join the fun.   Rion DeRouen is a Light Warrior, activated 4 years ago and has been crossing the globe activating sacred sites. He is the creator of Anomaly Entertainment and a product line of wands and vortex generators.  Jason Stiles is an ex-military para-rescue squad member, Sedona vortex guide and creator of a line of new products called iPyramid.  They lead a group called Team Light who help facilitate grid adjustments, clearing and activating sacred locations around the planet and raising the collective resonance for all beings. Giselle will be interviewing Rion and Jason about their respective awakenings, true mission work and how they got such a fun job!"