Just A Story: Urban Legend Podcast

Ep 15: Writing On The Wall



Remember your first night away from home? Not at camp, Not at a slumber party, but really on your own? What advice were you given about safety? How many times did you check the deadbolt? How long did it take you to get used to the sounds of the house? This week we look at the fears that come with moving away from home, and the stories we make up to make ourselves feel safe. Kids, especially young women, are told that if they're just good enough, pure enough, afraid enough; they'll be safe. Logic follows, then, anyone who gets hurt was asking for it. Using the roommates from the classic urban legend, "Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn on the Lights" as a case study we look at the way media and society cast female victims as Madonna or whore, and learn a real life cautionary tale. (Brought to you by mass murderer Richard Speck and the letter 'm'.)