Just A Story: Urban Legend Podcast

Ep 21: Deal With The Devil



Music doesn't make sense. We, as humans, respond to the essential emotion in notes and melodies without analysis or forethought. It's a natural, innate language that we all seem to speak. Or is it? Only humans seem to possess this natural affinity for music. Sure, birds sing, but they don't *preform*, their songs are lingual substitutes. We are the only ones who choose to sing when we don't need to. We are also the only ones who can lie, bargain with gods, fret over the state of our immortal soul or troll others on the Internet. So this whole music thing has always made people... Nervous. Music, in some ways, seems unnatural; and if you've ever seen any portrayal of life before ~yesterday, you'll know that all unnatural things are... Of the devil. There is a long association between musicians and the devil; (yes, even before Charlie Daniels said so). This week we will take a look at why that might be. From Paganini to Robert Johnson we'll explore what master musicians have gotten in return for selling their s