Diva's House Featuring: *literary Diva*

Literary Diva Presents: Life Isn't A Dress Rehearsal! Laughing In The Face Of Adversity!



Join us as we continue our series "Life Isn't A Dress Rehearsal." As the year continues on, many people will face hardships. Many will handle it well and many will not. As many people go through struggles many aren't clear on how to make it or act while struggling. It's not simple but, what we can do is keep laughing. It's important to keep a good attitude at all times. Attitude (a good one) makes the struggle/hardships seem minor even when they are big. Remember that life is a blessing, so even if going through hardships you can make it. Tune in as we talk about staying positive and laughing in the face of adversity. Plus tips on how to keep your stress level down. Stay tuned and keep it locked.