Diva's House Featuring: *literary Diva*

Literary Diva Presents: A Political Hot Mess! Recession+Depression = No Common Sense Republicans!



Join us as we give you a dose of "A Politcal Hot Mess" in the world of politics. Yes folks, recession+depression=no common sense republicans. The republican party is back at it again driving this country into another recession and possibly a great depression. They are trying to prove a point with this nonsense "Pledge To Save America" campaign. That point is a bunch of nonsense and no common sense. It seems that they want to take down and get rid of all of the new legislation that the current administration has put into place to help the people. They have already taken the steps to repeal the healthcare bill; which again is a waste of time. They have promised to cut $100 billion from domestic agencies; which could leave many Americans literally out in the cold. As it stands this party is determined to reap havoc on America and it's people with no hesitation in their political bones. Again politics can be dirty but here; it's clearly a political assault on the people. Tune in as we give it to you straight abou