Diva's House Featuring: *literary Diva*

rLiterary Diva Presents: Life Isn't A Dress Rehearsal-Racism Prt 2



Join us for our in-depth and brave series, "Life Isn't A Dress Rehearsal."   On this episode we will be continuing our discussion from yesterdays show regarding racism in America.   We will be joined by a very special guest and long time friend of the Diva's House network, "Douglas Showell."  He will be joining us discuss racism in America from a "black mans perspective."     Racism in America is an on-going issue, especially when it comes to blacks.    Case in point...Ferguson MO. The tragic event that happened in Ferguson regarding the shooting and death of Michael Brown has rocked not only the small city of Ferguson but the nation.  So many has come out and said their piece and rant and raved about this awful tragedy.     As we move forward we have to start to come to some resolution on the matter and how blacks can work with with their majority white police forces not just in Ferguson, but in other cities as well. Many say it can't be done, but we say if folks just work together and put some ver