Next On The Tee With Chris Mascaro

Next on the Tee with Chris Mascaro: Steve Mona & Kenny Knox



This week on Next on the Tee with Chris Mascaro my guests are: Steve Mona, CEO of the World Golf Foundation and annually listed amoung the Most Powerful People in Golf and PGA Tour Pro Kenny Knox.  Steve Mona - I'll be talking with Steve about this year's National Golf Day coming on Wednesday, May 18th, plus we'll get an update on the national economic impact that the game of golf has, and the charitable impact is has as well. Kenny Knox - I'll talk with Kenny about what's new with his wedge and putter lines, his plans are for the 2016 season and his memories of playing in the Player's Championship and the 4 majors. Join Chris Mascaro every Saturday at 10:00 AM as he talks with PGA & LPGA Tour legends, today's players, equipment manufacturers, media members and all those impacting the great game of golf on Next on the Tee.