Pax Stereo Radionet

Friday Night Agenda - 2-2-18



Tonight’s Agenda Tune in at 6:30PM and stay with us all night long because the A.I. Preshow hosted by the Pax Stereo Artificial Intelligence, Alexa, starts off the evening, and the vibe is off the chain! At 7:30PM Dr Mario’s Music & Mary Jane Premiere: Intro To Dr Mario Hemsley’s Digital Vaping MasterClass This week @ Dr Mario’s Music & Mary Jane: Consider marijuana and vaping. Well, it is definitely the right time, and Dr Mario Hemsley is bringing the right information. Thinking about vaping? Curious about the “healthy” way to enjoy cannabis? Tune in to this show and learn the ABC’s of vaping before you make a purchase choice. You won’t regret it. At 9PM iVictor Featuring Meko’s Challenge is the evening’s climax, and the show is a surprise. Remember too that this is a SPECIAL FACEBOOK LIVE BROADCAST. You can watch it live on Facebook! This week @ iVictor – Meko’s Challenge: Meko Asks “Can Trust Me In A Long Distance Relationship?” – Our previous episode of iVictor was focused on science, as in a