Modern Living With Dr. Angela

Beating the urge to Binge through Monastic Living



Dalia was able to overcome her binge eating disorder through carefully laid out steps which were divinely provided to her. It is later that she developed those specific steps into a treatment program - the ‘Benedictine Way’, a Monastic Tradition based on the values of Jesus Christ. She now uses this inspired knowledge to help food addicts get control of their eating by joining her in a rewarding life of deepening relationships with God, spiritual gifts, miracles, praise, reverence, and exaltation.   Migdalia (Dalia) Burgoin is the creator of the Anointed Abbey : Monastic Program for Binge Eating Recovery. She is a Spiritual Counselor, Holy Spirit Led Healer, Specialist of Lifestyle Changing through Christian Benedictine Monastic Tradition, and Advanced Chi Energy Instructor in a unique method of Bio-Energy Healing. Visit    FB: "Faithful Fasters: Overcoming Food Addiction Thru Monastic Living" MUSIC Jimmy Elliott -- "Here We Are"  YouTube Video  P