Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Kathy Cummings Communications Director  Kathy works to ensure that the Washington State Labor Council's events and positions are well-publicized, both in the news media and within the labor movement is my guest.  She supports and encourages local union publications and communications efforts by providing training, assistance and materials to labor union editors around the state. She also produces training and educational videos for affiliates and coalition members of the Labor Council. Kathy joined the council in 2007. She has worked in Washington, D.C. for CNN, NBC, PBS and in the communications department at the IAM Headquarters in Upper Marlboro, MD. She also served as the interim communications director for the California Labor Federation, during the victorious Prop. 75 fight in 2006. Kathy was the recipient of a 2007 Telly Award for a public service video. Kathy's experience has taught her first hand the value of belonging to a union. She was released from her job as a contract cameraperson to CNN, a