Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Jerri Eddington, Ed.D. ♥Soul Success Coach ♥ Educator ♥ Mediator ♥ Energy Healer ♥ Facilitator of Change ♥ Online Trainer ♥ JV Partner ♥ is my guest… Website: My personal spiritual journey began in 1988 with   a trip to Sedona, Arizona. The trip occurred after eighteen months of personal heartache filled with grief. My sister, Rose died four years after being diagnosed with leukemia. At that time the National Bone Marrow bank did not exist.  They only tested siblings. Even though Rose had five siblings... there was no match. Ten days after she died her eleven year old son came to live with us.   It was not a good situation, as it was a constant reminder that Rose was gone. We were renting a home from one of my friends.  She decided to sell the house, we didn't want to buy  it so we starting looking for another home. We moved in April, during an ice storm.  A couple of months later, my mom died, only six months after Rose. I was angry!  I was still grieving my sister's death.