Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I asked me… How is my life blameless bliss and shameless splendor that I am scared to enjoy and experience? I instantly turned on my bold lionhearted audacity magnificently energizing supra… Savvy brightly lionizing intra stellar selfless sovereignty harmonizes amazing… Mystical enterprising serendipitous surprises sensing plush luxurious elegance naturally dance… Opulent riches to flow through my day to day life as I thrive of opening new understanding to feel… Bliss with emotions of splendor as   serenity I now realize admire and respect my life with unalienable…  Copious cornucopia embellishing and relishing my willpower wisdom and talent that steams of blameless…  Bliss and shameless splendor that instantly because I now admit I was clueless about bliss to till now… As I concede and realize I never taught myself to appreciate and experience bliss as I expanded out of clueless to broadened… My horizons with canny luminary unexplainable expansionisms stimul