Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I unleashed my outlaw optimism overrides my mundane delusions I unknowingly put myself throughout daily…  Escapades stuck in crass charades afraid of everything passed away to oblivion today unsheathed my outlaw…  Optimism optimizing unlimited tenacity lionizing audacious willpower opening powerful trailblazer imagination…  Mastering inspirational spiritual maturity turning on my light of luminary intrigue galvanizing hell raisers tenacity…  Hearing my intuitive lore with now insight invigorates new stupendous innovative genius hegemonic triumph… Trusting my natural valor to admit I taught myself to accept and stay inside the lines of societies systemized bluff… That keeps trying to bluff me into what I taught myself through school circle of influence and what will other…  People think created my bewilderment cementing me to hearing and vocalizing my controlling fears that went… Away today as I endeared me to my outlaw optimism of unconquerable willpower trusting my gut gumption… Visionary versatilit