Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Day Rob with Cowboy Wisdom shows people the way Rob expanded energized and enterprises his day to day life… I asked me… How does changing my thinking without modernized viewpoints beliefs faith and opinions keeps me being dope on a rope unwilling cope with life events? I now realize thinking with the same myopic thoughts is superficial and keeps tied to the lies of yesterday…  Because I admit and get my old worn out opinions viewpoints beliefs political views and religion are the same that has been all my life… That keeps me circulating the same old thoughts then using same inane knowledge then creating same old reactions to my day to day…  Life occurrences that had stifled me into delusional obstinance that kept my flip flopping lips flapping speaking same old callous… Crap was deployed and detached to oblivion now as I illuminated my life thriving temerity authorized me to enliven acuity to arouses… My rabble rousing resolve to understand and admire wisdom inspiration intuition imagination and