Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I instantly defuse my ruses by refusing to peruse my rink a dink thinking that stinks of finking out in doubt that… All crossed the river to oblivion today as I now respect realize and admire my newfound wisdom I express I refuse to go into…  That rat a tat despair unleashed my debonair flair dares me to feel my liberated audacity invigorating rebellious…  Valorous spunk to unfunk my punky overthinking promptly allowed me to admit and get life is experienced internally and…  Witnessed externally by me myself and I as I fly feeling liberated yessing today and everyday are beautiful blessings…  Electrifying my life in every way as I sashay feeling my feisty enterprising energies lionize…  Imaginative nouvelle vague gumption authorizes me to surf on my seas of bountiful bliss that kiss… My life with luminary innovation feeling exonerated trusting my visionary pageantry basking… On my beaches of lush prosperity now and forever more I adore my day to day life with spiritual savvy…  Cowboy Wisdom is unpunc