Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Infinite Spiritual savvy with appreciation and gratitude I expand beyond money as I asked me… How do I think inside the shackles of money? As I ask… How is liberating is grasping the energy of money marvelously optimizes new elegant yazz? As I now grasp and respect yazz is yessing audacious zealous zeal to feel… My orgasmic omnificence that rumbas my revolutionary utopian moxie boldly amplifying splendor and blessed success Infinite Spirit I give thanks for fiery… Inspiration and valorous vigor of expanding beyond money thinking money was my benchmark for success and stature in other people’s eyes was my desperate demise… I disguised as respect was actually a myopic mirage dodging my hearts harmony and soul’s simplicity and gut gallantry to free of the shackles of money… To instantly feel the liberating energy of money because as I now understand respect and admire money expands thru wisdom energized intuition enterprized innovation… By understanding the unseen unexplained and invisible farseeing magic