Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch

Jennifer chats to Detta Darnell about her Unfinished Women Retreats in Kefalonia



This Monday -  I will be interviewing the fabulous Detta Darnell about her latest retreats in Kefalonia The Unfinished Women which is in June next year. I have been fortunate in interviewing Detta before about her amazing retreats as well as actually going on one so I have had an inside view or front seat and I have to tell you that Kefalonia is stunning and this is a trip of a life time and you will return feeling like a new woman!   Taken from Detta's website  This retreat is perfect for those women who want a break from the busyness of life.  Its for women who want simple days by the sea to relax, recover and rediscover who they were, where they are at right now and who they are becoming.  This is a gentle, kindly, nurturing space which is safe enough to leave your masks behind, your busyness aside and just take some time to eat great food, sleep well, play with some paint, glitter and words, do a little wild writing, make a journal for your retreat journey, listen to your heart whispers and your soul ca