Nancy At Noon

A 'Bad' Guy with a Good Heart -- and how to send positive vibes to someone



Sometimes we look at criminals and only see the ‘bad’ part … the part that gets us angry and causes us to point fingers and justify our attitudes and actions because we are on different sides of the prison walls. Jesus told parables to get people to look inside their own hearts before blaming, shaming or complaining about someone else’s wrong doings. We’re all human. We all make mistakes but we also all have the ability to bring the good out in others and help them to see the Divinity that lies within themselves. Today I’m continuing  my Hector & Dianna series. I’m also going to give you a simple technique you can use to change the negative energy in your living or working environment, and in your friends and family. I call it  the Gift of Positive Energy Technique and you can use it at a distance or with someone who is in your immediate vicinity. The herb of the week is SAGE. I’ve got lots of great info on the healing properties of sage. And as a special bonus, I’m  going to give you clear, step-by-ste