Nancy At Noon

Override Your Fear of Writing



Today’s episode is about overriding your fear of writing so you can have the courage and the authenticity to speak your truth through the stories you tell your grandkids. As baby boomers we want our grandkids to think of us as the cool world changers that we know ourselves to be, but the millennials and GenXers say baby boomers ruined the world for them. They need to know our side of the story.  And they need to hear it in a way that opens their hearts and their minds in order to bridge the generation gap. We can do it.  We’ve gained wisdom and knowledge by meeting life’s challenges. The only thing that appears to be standing in the way is fear. When fear is present, we can achieve nothing. Learn how to override your fear of telling your story. Let me help you get over your fear of writing so you can tell your story without inhibitions. Sign up for my FREE online course 4 Steps to Override Your fear of Writing. Visit my website: Send me an email at and let me know h