Spiritual Charlotte

A look at Forgiveness - The Other F-word, with Psychotherapist, Kim Honeycutt!



IForgiveness is one of those things - a love/hate relationship of sorts. How do we forgive when we can't seem to? Are certain acts unforgiveable? Do we make the mistake of focusing on forgiveness for others, while withholding it from ourselves? How do we protect ourselves when we are attempting to forgive chronic, abusive behavior? Who is forgiveness for? How do churches mess up the concept of forgiveness? What does Jesus have to say about it? And what's in it for non-Christians? Kim Honeycutt has a mental health ministry in North Carolina that focuses on shame, blame, and guilt issues that people suffer inside and outside of churches. She knows first hand that forgiveness is a process, one that can benefit from a better understanding of what forgiveness is really about and what it defintiely isn't about! Please join Co-Hosts Debbie Chisholm and Kendall Heath as we wiggle and wriggle through a tough show on forgiveness with our resident Psychotherapist! Kim Honeycutt Spiritual Charlotte ICU Talks