Yoga Nidra, Loving Kindness Meditation

Yoga Nidra, Loving Kindness meditation



Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep and, although you should not really fall asleep during the meditation (but if you do fall asleep, it doesn't matter), you can use it to help you fall asleep. On this Yoga Nidra, I have used the Loving Kindness meditation that I proposed you practised whenever life is presenting you with challenging relationships, challenging people or situations. This recorded meditation will guide you through: Body relaxation,  Pair of opposites,  Breathing exercise combined with the chakras, and a Loving Kindness meditation to expand your love Get comfortable and stay warm. You can do it on the floor or comfy in your bed. Make sure you will not be disturbed and make your room nice and dark. Enjoy the journey! Let me know what you think! Share any feedback you may have. Namaste, Geny Caloisi 07796641151