Rooted In Reason With Becca Lynn Johnson

Episode 11: It Does Not Start With Why



Contrary to popular belief in the professional development space, I believe that discovering your purpose should not start with finding your “why.” Simon Sinek, an influencer in this space and the person who started a movement around this concept, states that “people like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers had little in common, but they all started with WHY.” While yes, each of these influential leaders knew exactly why they pursued the passions they felt called to, I suggest that it was not a “why” that initially caused them to move. They were surely inspired by their why, and it most definitely rooted them as they pursued their dreams, but I would suggest this… It started with WHO. I would contend that these influencers knew exactly who they were which helped root them in their reasons WHY. Unless we know who we are, identifying and truly understanding our why will oftentimes be met with doubt and resistance. I know this.  I have lived it.  I actually lived in this space of doubt fo