Hot Swat

Hot Swat 2-18-07



It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here! HOT SWAT IS BACK!!!! It’s a brand new season, and a fresh new show! The long wait has finally come to an end, and in a big way. There have been many changes since the last episode of Hot Swat, including a brand new co-host and a retinue of new recurring guest hosts. This week, Rob’s brand new co-host Daniela meets Stephen for the first time, and a new recurring guest host, Janis, joins the Hot Swat cast. The long break has left both Rob and the show refreshed, renewed, and ready to go, with more new music than you could ever hope to fit on 10 iPods, coming at you every week. So, without further ado, strap in and get ready for another episode of Hot Swat; Fiercely Independent Eclectic Radio. CRAM IT IN YOUR FACE HOLE!!!!