Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

Conflicted: If We're Made Right, Why Do We Still Do Wrong? - Audio



A prominent psychologist contends that the predominant emotion of the average American male is disappointment. And while that conclusion came out of a survey of men, I have a hunch that it applies to all of us to one degree or another. In fact, I suspect that we who follow Jesus may feel even more disappointment than most people. After all, we tell people that Jesus has changed our lives. We tell people that Jesus has come into our lives and has given us power to live the kind of lives we've always wanted. As follower of Jesus we have committed ourselves to some fairly high moral standards. We are committed to purity, to integrity, to generosity, to patience, to forgiveness, and to faithfulness. We believe you should love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. We believe we have a moral responsibility to feed the hungry and care for the poor.