Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

Spirit-Filled: The Life You've Always Wanted - Audio



In the last few months the world has lost a number of stars, including people like Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Steve McNair. It has been nearly impossible not to read about the lives these celebrities lived; their stories have been recited in every cable news show, in every magazine, and on every website. And while I won't be so presumptuous as to suggest that I knew what any one of those stars was really like, what I read about them more often than not left me feeling very sad. They were each great performers; they were outstanding professionals. But from much of what I read, which I am aware is not the whole truth, I found myself feeling a bit of grief over who they were as people. In many ways they lived the kind of lives so many of us want. They were extraordinary at what they did; they accumulated significant fortunes; they enjoyed considerable fame. And yet for the most part I would not say any of them lived the life you or I or anyone has always wanted.