Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

You've Been Elected: What Does It Mean To Be Chosen By God? - Audio



He is known in basketball circles as "the chosen one." His name is Lebron James, and he is without doubt a freakishly talented athlete. Let me show you just one clip from a game a few years ago where Lebron dunked over another extraordinary athlete named Kevin Garnett in a playoff game, causing the commentators to momentarily lose their minds: [YouTube clip of Lebron James "with no regard for human life”] That's Lebron James the "chosen one." Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to be referred to as "the chosen one"? It would certainly be a compliment; I imagine I would feel quite honored to be called "the chosen one." And I imagine I might feel a bit overwhelmed with peoples' expectations if people were to point at me and say, "There he is; he's the chosen one." It's not just in athletics that we hear the phrase. In the "Terminator" movies John Connor is referred to time and again as "the chosen one," as the one person who has been chosen by fate to save humanity. When we