Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

You Were Planned For Gods Pleasure - Audio



Mike Rokyo reported this true story in the Chicago Tribune. A man named Bill Mallory traveled to India to discover the purpose of life. He didn't find the answer there. After returning home, he noticed a sign at a Chevron gas station that said, 'As you travel, ask us.' So every time he pulled into a Chevron station, he would look up at the sign and say to the attendant, "I'm a traveler. I'd like to ask you a question. What is the purpose of life?" These were the answers he got. The first guy said, "Sorry. I'm new here." The second guy said, "I don't remember anything in the manual about that." Most people just gave him a blank stare. One day Mallory got a phone call from Chevron Customer Relations. He said, "We understand you've been asking our dealers questions and getting unsatisfactory answers." The man suggested that he write out his question and send it to Chevron Corporate with a self-addressed stamped envelope. So Bill Mallory wrote, "What is the purpose of life?" and sent it to Chevron. A