Elyse Y. Robinson - Black Woman In Mexico

Can You Plan Your Life?



What a terrible few days I've had and a Black Expat discussion on conspiracy theories, brain drain, and are there definite things you can do in life to be "successful"? Link to roundtable discussion: https://youtu.be/exrr2pvACA8 The Transcript 0:09 This is the Keen Ready, com Black woman in Mexico podcast with me, Elyse Robinson, coming to you from Mexico City, Mexico, one of the largest cities in the world. I'm here to dispel the myths and rumors about Mexico and also to tell you how to live a great life abroad, I have been living in Mexico City since November 2016. And I truly do love it here. And just to add a disclaimer, these experiences are mine and mine alone, and I can't speak for anyone else. 0:39 Hey, 0:40 this is episode number 57. And I'm going to start doing YouTube videos 0:45 along with 0:47 the podcast because I can extract 0:48 the audio easily. 0:51 And it will help my youtube 0:53 channel too. 0:55 So you can look at me 0:57 and you can listen to me if you r