Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca




The movie “Unbroken” came out on Christmas Day, a movie about a remarkable man named Louis Zamperini who died last July at the age of 97. The best-selling book that the movie is based on highlights three themes of Louis’ life – survival, resilience and redemption. Louis was serving as a bombardier during World War 2 when his plane crashed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, killing eight of the eleven crewmen on board. A few weeks later, another of the crew members died from his injuries. But Louis and the plane’s pilot hung on, despite a lack of food and water. Their raft got shot up by a Japanese fighter plane, sharks attacked them time and again, huge storms flung their raft around like a toy, but they still survived for 47 days before they were finally rescued. Oh, and it turns out they were rescued by the Japanese military, who promptly threw them in the brig.