Naples S&c

Ep 20: How to implement accessory exercises into your training



In this episode we talk about: 1:30 you are only as strong as your weakest link 3:45 first step is identifying weaknesses 4:45 stretching before or after training? 5:25 the inverse relationship between load and reps 7:15 think muscle action not muscle groups 8:50 accessory work helps balance high intensity training 10:15 injuries teach us the importance and value of accessory work 13:00 performing bicep curls to build up the pullups 15:45 no wonder peoples shoulders hurt 16:20 strict before kip 17:45 when in doubt try to strengthen the entire posterior chain 19:15 having a balance between compound exercises and accessory work 20:45 recommendations for people training 4 days a week of high intensity training