Lift Heavy Run Long Podcast - Inspire. Be Inspired.

LHRL® : Possibly the oldest man to finish a marathon, Lazarus Lakes Backyard Ultra and more!


Sinopse We were busy yacking it up this week. Here is some of what we talked about with links on where to find it. Feel free to drop us a line if there are any topics or events that you would like to hear discussed. Thanks for tuning in! Crossfit Open 19.4 A study suggesting that endurance runners actually regenerated cartilage after long periods of time on their feet. It also suggested that they lost over 6% of grey-matter in their brain which could explain why we sign up for such stupid events. The Strange Tale of Buster Martin. Claims to be 101 years old and the oldest man to finish a marathon. He also drank seven beers along the way while enjoying a cigarette with each one. Lazarus Lake’s Backyard Ultra. Runners have one hour to finish 4-ish mile loop and get back in the corral. This is repeated until you cannot make the loop in one hour or cannot brin