Board With Life Adventures

XP Academy Ep 60 - Spring Break Pt 03



- New In Town - This is our D&D "actual play" campaign featuring the Board with Life cast and crew! This Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition campaign titled "XP Academy" takes place in a custom campaign setting created by Donald about a school for heroes in one of the weirdest and most forbidden places on the globe. The players rolled their stats and start with almost nothing. They'll have to fight for every scrap, but if they survive well... supposedly that makes them special. Dig the show?  Rate us on iTunes and tell your friends! Thank you for supporting us on Patreon! Featured players: Donald Shults (Show-Runner/Writer/Director) as the Dungeon Master Chris Bryan (Show-Runner/Writer/Director) as Smith Dith Rith the 5th the Tabaxi Fighter Niki Shults (Writer/Director) as Zjaran the Tritan Ranger Andrew Manson (Music/Assistant Director) as Maswin the Gnome Wizard Adam Henderson (Editor/Camera) as Gwenderson the Human Cleric Subscribe using RSS and/or iTunes Like board games? Check ou