Tenacious Living Network

The Heather Andrews Show | Awakening Your Soul Devotion | Teresa Campos



Teresa Campos, Speaker, Author, and Guide, speaks with Heather Andrews about the discovery of the awakened self and what it means to live your soul devotion. She shares ways to identify and eliminate patterns that hold you in repeated cycles and keep you a victim. Listeners will leave with a clearer understanding that their life does have a purpose and divine timing. This core talk is geared toward individuals who currently find themselves at a crossroads in life and seeking what is next. Listeners will receive action steps to help them clarify what steps to take next. Learn More About Teresa Campos… Teresa Campos is an accomplished speaker, author, guide and mentor to all those seeking a more fulfilled life. She works with individuals who know they’re here to live a deeper purpose but feel stuck trying to figure out what that is and how to make it happen. She[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Awakening Your Soul Devotion | Teresa Campos appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.