Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucking news with Ruthann ELDs and Cameras



Trucking News with Ruthann News with Ruthann. This week Ruthann spoke about ELD's and how they are effecting drivers. Did you know that ELD's although have flaws but could be a good thing? At this time this writer believes they are not so good! Electronic Log Devices have really turned the Trucking Industry upside down. A truck driver clocks in and then is obligated to race the clock. He/she is not really in control of their work day anymore. Here is an example of what we are talking about. Again an example. Say a driver is not feeling so well and has a hard time getting rest for the night. Say he is up all night because he just can't sleep, maybe stomach wasn't feeling well maybe he had a bad headache, whatever but he could not sleep. It is not 6am and he needs to get moving. The good news is his headache is gone or the stomach is feeling better so he clocks in and starts his day. About 4 hours into the run he is very very tired and needs sleep. If he pulls in and sleeps he wil