Give Up The Ghost Stories

Ep. 001 - The Child Medium and The Sixth Sense



For our first episode, we discuss the portrayal of ghosts in The Sixth Sense. Watch the film ahead of time with us and be prepared for spoilers to abound! Then catch our stories about real child mediums from the 19th and 20th centuries.  Kellie covers the story of a baby medium whose family could communicate with ghosts through knocking and Shade covers a child "Poltergeist" medium haunted by Dracul and tested in a lab.  Catch us mid-week for a Ghost Stories Lab on child mediums where a guest tells their story about seeing ghosts as a child. We also review survey feedback to learn how The Sixth Sense stacks up against real ghost stories.  If you have a story to tell or if you would like to contribute to our research on ghosts and beliefs in the preternatural then fill out our survey: Follow us on Instagram at giveuptheghoststories