Find Your Glee With Dinah G

6 Ways to Un-Stuck Yourself!



This episode is for those of you who are looking to move past the doubt, the excuses, and finally do that damn thing that's been calling you!  Maybe it's time to exercise more, maybe it's time to tap into your creative side, maybe it's time to start writing or laying down the foundation to start your own business...OR maybe it's as simple as setting aside more time for self-care--and don't you dare start thinking you're being selfish!   It took me into my early 40's to really stop caring about what others think and to start doing these things that speak to me.  As result I am more happy, and whole, and want you to feel the same! Here are my 6 Tips to "un-stucking" yourself.  I know.  I know.  Un-stucking is not a word, but I don't care (see my second paragraph:) 1) Be still.  Be Patient.  Know the Universe Has Your Back. In this tip I reference Gabby Bernstein's book "The Universe Has Your Back" and talk about how I use meditation to get still and incorporate free meditation writing to let the ideas flow and