Dynamic Network

Idea Jungle: Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Money: Secure Your First or Next Client by Going Back to the Basics



EPISODE 16: It’s so easy to find a reason to not get started or to make up some excuse for why you can’t introduce yourself to the world, but the Idea Jungle hosts want you to stop. Usually, it’s just your inner voice that’s leaving you stuck on the hamster wheel of doubt and that’s paralyzing you from getting started. In today’s world, everyone’s constantly trying to come up with the latest, greatest, and most innovative invention. But, ultimately, you don’t need any of that to get started: What you have right now is usually enough. So, the Visionary and the Mentor decided to prove it to you. In this episode, let us help you mute your inner self doubt, reconnect with your basic needs, and secure your first or next client.