Nintendo Voice

Episode 9: Old Friends, New Ideas



Welcome to the 9th episode of Nintendo Voice recorded on 5th July 2015. On the show today is Harrison Milfeld, Colin Crompton and myself Lewis Pugh as well as special guest Holly Fellmeth who is the manager / editor / Podcaster over at NintendoFever. We start by discussing what we've been playing including some interesting thoughts about the splatfest event that took place. Also on the show we discuss Nintendo's history with online and how we believe it could be improved in the future. Next up is listener questions and we have lots to go through! There's a star question to pick and prizes to hand out. Finally we close with the bonus round and we ask YOU a Nintendo question send in your answers and maybe you will win a prize? Find out on the next episode of Nintendo Voice! Send in your questions and answers and maybe win some prizes. twitter: @NintendoVoice email: