Nintendo Voice

Episode 20: The Cop Out Episode



Hello and welcome to episode 20 of Nintendo Voice recorded on 14th October. On the show we discuss the latest Nintendo news including the possibility of a Twilight Princess HD remaster. After the news, we don't have the usual listener mail segment (mailbag is running a little low) But instead for the bonus round we play your Super Mario Maker levels and discuss and try (try...) to choose our favourites and make up the reward giving process on the fly! We will be playing more of your levels at a later date so keep them coming in! You can also send in your questions and bonus round answers via: E-mail: hello@nintendovoice Twitter: @NintendoVoice Here are the levels that we played for this show: @SeanMccarron46 7BCD-0000-0015-2FD8 @ROSEfDEATH 92DB-0000-007D-8BA6 @UrsusMoskibear CF9F-0000-0049-278C @ibbsters DFC2-0000-0031-4D3B @treesmurf 5280-0000-0059-3EB7 @zenox1987 087E-0000-0071-2232 @mirbystudios 1CF5-0000-0080-BCF4 @Mega_Jimmy A9C4-0000-00A4-0940 @Louistrations C14D-0000-00A0-38E3 @XCWarrior1 C459