Nintendo Voice

Episode 125: Miitomo Waves Goodbye!



Sad times indeed. Hello there and welcome to episode 125 of Nintendo Voice! This episode was recorded on the 31th of January. On this episode, we have the full crew of Lewis Pugh, Harrison Milfeld and Colin Crompton. This week we kicks things off with a pretty lengthy what we've been playing. Lewis brings Oxenfree and Colin talks about his first impressions with the NES! We then follow up what we've been playing with some Nintendo News and finish with a super topic! Here is the link to our Patreon page and become a patron if you like what you see! As ever you can get in touch with the show via: Email: Twitter: @NintendoVoice Music used in this episode is: Intro: Miitomo - Miitomo Drop Outro: Super Mario Bros - Overworld theme Enjoy the show!