Nintendo Voice

Episode 136: Waluigi Is Poison



Hello there and welcome to episode 136 of Nintendo Voice! This episode was recorded on the 24th of April. On this episode, the full crew is here Lewis Pugh, Harrison Milfeld and Colin Crompton. This week we kicks things off with what we've been playing including 3DS games (Yes 3DS!) from Lewis and Colin tells more of his adventures in randomized Pokemon land. We then follow up that with a bunch of news stories before diving into a super topic based on Nintendo characters, food, drink and dates. It gets a bit strange. Here is the link to our Patreon page and become a patron if you like what you see! As ever you can get in touch with the show via: Email: Twitter: @NintendoVoice Music used in this episode is: Intro: Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Phantoms Portissimo Outro: Super Mario Strikers - Waluigi's Theme (It's not what I expected!)