Lift Heavy Run Long Podcast - Inspire. Be Inspired.

Taylor Somerville – CrossFit Games Open 19.3, World’s Toughest Mudder, XPT & Changing Your Life


Sinopse Taylor Somerville is the Founder and CEO of The Long Game, LLC and Symmetry. Taylor worked in the investment business for over 15 years until 2017 when he decided to transition his career to focus full time on health and fitness and started his company, Symmetry. After going through a divorce in 2014, Taylor began focusing on his long time love of fitness and through that process, discovered breathwork as a way to deal with stress and anxiety.  Through breath work, Taylor was able to change how he responded to stressful situations and learned to respond instead of react.  In 2015, Taylor began working with a group called XPT, started by Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece. Through XPT, Taylor delved deeper into breathwork and learned about heat and ice contrast therapy.  After seeing the positive benefits in himself, Taylor felt a calling to help others with their stress and anxiety through XPT’s philosophies. In 2018, Taylor was invited by XPT to be a part of the first group of XPT ce