Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

CPA Reviewed #78 – Working Moms and the CPA Exam



Working Moms and the CPA Exam - CPA Reviewed #78 Andrew: I’m about to begin studying for the CPA and just received my NTS for FAR. I’m planning to use the Ten Point Combo and have a few questions. 1.) Will there be any updates to the Ninja Book and/or NINJA Notes this year for any of the sections? 2.) I’m one of those people that are terrible at taking notes. Do you know if people have had good results with copying the Ninja Notes word for word? 3.) I’m trying figure out a rough 8-week study schedule for how to use the Ninja study framework for FAR. Could you let me know what you think of the plan below and if there’s anything you would tweak/change? • Week 1 - 4 i. Read the Entire Ninja Book ii. Copy Ninja Notes iii. Listen to Ninja Audio • Week 5 i. Review Notes ii. Ninja MCQ and Sims iii. Listen to Ninja Audio • Week 6 i. Review Notes ii. Ninja MCQ and Sims iii. Listen to Ninja Audio iv. Look at Ninja Blitz and Ninja Plus • Week 7 i. Rewrite Ninja Notes ii. Ninja MCQ and Sims iii. Listen to Ninj