Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

CPA Reviewed #81 – CPA Exam Task-Based Simulation Time Management



CPA Reviewed #81 - CPA Exam Task-Based Simulation Time Management Oren - I took Audit in May, and I don't think I did well. My score with REG is expiring on July 21st. I just found out that I will not receive the AUD score until August 16th! If I do not pass, I won't be able to take Audit again before REG expires. Will they extend my REG score? Thanks for your insight. Nelly - Is the NINJA Audio the same as NINJA Notes? I'm am taking audit in 6 days, I have the notes but I am deciding whether or not to purchase the audio. Is it the same as the notes but spoken out loud? Amanda - Do you have any insight on the new format of the FAR sims -- three different sections rather than just one? I am worried about not knowing the entire picture of the sims and spending too much time on the first one or two sets only to get to the last set and run out of time. Have you heard any details on the type of questions that will be in each section? For example, a research based question would only be in the final sectio