Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucking Career is better than a college degree



Trucking Career is better than a College DegreeTrucking is Better than a College Degree. Why do I say that? Think about it for a second. A boy goes into collage and spends about 4 to 8 years there learning. Learning a skill or a profession so that he can make a living at it. There is many reasons to go to collage. Many will take up Business, Engineering or some profession he or she is hoping will make them allot of money. But wait, theres a catch. A collage graduate will in most cases have to pay back mucho money. Thats right a collage grad will spend the next few years paying back heavy loans before he ever starts making big dollars if at all he will make big dollars. Trucker Schools and Costs Trucking Career is Better than a Collage DegreeTrucking is better than a College Degree because of a million reasons. Not that this writer is a Trucker himself, which I am but don't let that sway you haha!. Lets compare