Done With Dara Katz And Betsy Kenney

Dara & Betsy Are DONE



Dara & Betsy are flying solo! In their first guest-less episode, they each break down the three things they’re DONE with. Dara is done with airline safety videos (stop jazz handing disaster info), restaurant goers asking the waiter “what’s good here?”, and people asking what you majored in. Betsy is done with gum, Game Of Thrones references, and when people she doesn’t know say “I love you.” Later, they call their Expert Du Jour, chef of “Egg” in Williamsburg/author/restauranteur/dad George Weld for his EXPERT OPINION on these DONES. Strap in, or else you’ll get sucked out the window, which according to Betsy, is possible and happened recently to a woman on an airplane.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE/RATE US on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.DONE is a Forever Dog Podcast