Tenacious Living Network

Amped! With Dr. Erin | Stay Open and Learning



In this episode with Dr. Erin, Heather Burgette talks about how when we decide we’re done growing, we lose sight of great joy and ultimately affect those around us. At a time in life when Heather could be settling into her routine of a stay-at-home mom of four and wife, she has found renewed excitement for learning through podcasts, webinars, and books. It’s as though self-discovery is beginning all over again, for Heather, but this time with more wisdom and focus in the center. The Debt Free Mama Heather Burgette inspires and educates women to boss their dollars, everything from budgeting to saving and investing. Heather shares from her own journey into thousands of dollars in debt and back out of it. During the first five years of her marriage, she and her husband paid off $75,000 in debt. Get to Know More about Heather ... Heather has her Bachelor in Professional Writing[...] The post Amped! With Dr. Erin | Stay Open and Learning | Heather Burgette appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.