Searching For Clair Huxtable

Sex She Wants



Episode Notes On this episode of Searching for Clair, Maceo and Wae talk to Jackie and Shannon about the Sex Women Want, and these women were not shy AT ALL. This conversation got SO REAL, even Angelice had to share her thoughts! Basically, it’s levels to this. Is there a difference between sex, making love and f*cking? Are there levels to a relationship? You definitely DO NOT want to miss these ladies breaking down the differences, from their vantage points. Searching for Clair Huxtable is a Podcast that is about dating Black women from a Black man’s perspective with Maceo & Wae. Listen in for topics like marriage, dating with kids, sex toys, and of course side chicks. Subscribe, Like, & Share on Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Sticher to the Searching for Clair Huxtable podcast and don’t miss listening